K9 Finance DAO Constitution

Welcome to K9 Finance DAO: K9 Finance DAO leads the way in the decentralized governance of core Shibarium infrastructure with its innovative governance model, which emphasizes collective decision-making, transparency, and integrity. Employing this model allows for collective decision-making among an engaged group of stakeholders; ensuring that critical infrastructure is managed by the greater community versus a small subset of individuals who may have bias.

The DAO mission is to propel DeFi adoption on the Shib ecosystem. We unite under shared beliefs and goals, fostering an environment where every voice contributes to our direction and success.

Governance Structure

Discussion Forum: The starting point for innovation, where members submit proposals, engaging the community for insights and consensus. This collaborative space ensures ideas are refined and supported before moving forward.

Roundtable of Dogs:

  • Consists of 9 to 19 dedicated members, each elected to one-year terms, embodying diverse expertise and vision.

  • Operates under the leadership of a Chairman and a Secretary, each responsible for approving their successors, ensuring continuity and integrity.

  • The Secretary plays a crucial role in advancing the governance process, overseeing proposal progression, member addition, and creating an agenda for each meeting
  • Proposals for new members, open to submission by any community member, are rigorously evaluated against our scoring rubric. The Secretary reviews applications, facilitating a Roundtable vote to onboard new members.
  • Proposals to remove members can be issued by any member of the Roundtable during an official meeting with proper quorum. The proposal would require a majority vote to remove a member. Members who miss 3 meetings in a row will automatically go to a vote to remove them

  • Roundtable members are required to arrive at each meeting well-prepared, having actively participated in the DAO discussion forum, ensuring informed discussions and decisions.
  • A bastion of ethical conduct, Roundtable members are expected to uphold the highest standards of professionalism, respect, and integrity.
  • A member may step down at any given point in time. If this results in having less than the minimum number of members on the Roundtable (9), there must be a vote to add a member to replace them from the applications.
  • At this time there is no compensation for members of the Roundtable of Dogs, as it is important that there is a lack of bias when making decisions on behalf of the broader K9 DAO community.
  • Term length is a maximum of 12 months - at the 12 month mark the DAO can reconsider appointees which can include replacement, extension, or transition to another role such as advisor.

Management Council

  • Consists of day-to-day operators of K9 Finance DAO
  • Responsible for managing the budget for their respective departments, which include: Marketing, Development, Operations and Business Development
  • Leadership Structure: The DAO Coordinator spearheads the council, guiding overall strategy and coordination. This role is supported by Heads of Business Development, Marketing, Tech, Ecosystem and Operations, who lead their departments in alignment with the DAO's goals. Together, they ensure a unified approach to achieving the DAO's vision.
  • Operational Oversight: Department Heads, under the DAO Coordinator’s direction, oversee daily operations and project execution, maintaining efficiency and transparency. They're responsible for aligning their department's activities with the DAO's strategic objectives, ensuring responsiveness to community needs and market changes.
  • Proposal Implementation: The council acts to implement community-approved proposals, ensuring actions reflect the DAO's collective decisions. This includes planning, stakeholder coordination, and updating the community on progress.

  • Council Expansion: New member nominations can be made by any DAO member, with candidates evaluated on their expertise, contribution to the DAO, and alignment with its values. The Management Council reviews nominations and selects new members through a consensus-based process, ensuring a diverse and capable team.

  • Performance and Accountability: The council is subject to performance reviews, with mechanisms in place for the community to provide feedback on their effectiveness and conduct. Members failing to meet their responsibilities or uphold DAO values may be subject to removal through a Roundtable vote.

  • Preparation and Participation: Members are expected to actively engage in all council meetings, thoroughly prepared and informed about the items on the agenda. This includes staying updated on DAO activities, community sentiment, and external developments relevant to DAO objectives.

  • Ethical Standards: Council members are held to the highest ethical standards, promoting transparency, fairness, and integrity in all their actions. They serve as stewards of the DAO's mission, fostering a culture of respect, inclusivity, and collaborative decision-making.

  • Resignation and Succession: Members may resign at any point, triggering a process to fill the vacancy to maintain the council's operational capacity. The process for selecting a successor involves a comprehensive review of potential candidates from within the DAO community, ensuring the new member aligns with the strategic and operational needs of the council.

  • After serving a term of 12 months on the management council, members must undergo a renewal process. At the end of this term, members have the option to either continue serving in their current role or transition to an advisory position within the DAO. The decision to transition to an advisory role shall be made by mutual agreement between the member and the Roundtable of Dogs.  

  • The heads of each department are responsible for getting annual budget approvals from the DAO and heads of department use the budget at their discretion to build an operational team and execute on the plans and vision of the DAO as they see appropriate

Snapshot Voting: gives $KNINE token holders a platform to express their collective will, with each token counting as one vote. This process ensures that voting power matches token ownership, allowing the community to make decisions through a 5-day voting period.

Operations: After proposals gain approval in both the roundtable discussions and the Snapshot voting, the Management Council steps in to enact these community-supported proposals, carrying out those objectives on behalf of the DAO. The Management Council’s responsibility is to execute the roadmap and any successful votes that go through the DAO process.

Rapid Response Mechanisms

Emergency Governance Process: In emergency cases where critical vulnerabilities require immediate action, the proposal can bypass the forum and proceed to a 24-hour vote on Snapshot.

Core Committees

$KNINE Token Holders: Representing the broader community, token holders play a pivotal role in decision-making processes. All $KNINE token holders possess the ability to vote within Snapshot and shape the future of K9 Finance DAO. Every $KNINE token receives a vote.

Roundtable of Dogs: The Roundtable of Dogs, composed of elected members, convenes monthly to review and advance proposals for community consideration. Operating autonomously from the management council, it ensures independent decision-making. Comprising 9 to 19 members, each a subject matter expert in their domain, the Roundtable brings invaluable experience, connections, and guidance for the benefit of the entire K9 Finance DAO community. The Roundtable meets a minimum of once a month to review forum proposals and elevate valid ones to the Snapshot process. Proposals approved by the Roundtable require a 75% quorum approval to proceed to Snapshot.

Management Council: Responsible for executing decisions passed by the community, the Management Council oversees the implementation of governance mandates.

Our Mission and Vision: K9 Finance DAO is committed to advancing DeFi adoption within the Shib ecosystem, guided by a vision of inclusivity, innovation, and integrity. We stand united in our belief that respect, professionalism, and adherence to our community guidelines are paramount in all our actions.

Join Our Journey: Explore the dynamic governance mechanisms of K9 Finance DAO, where every voice matters and decisions are made collaboratively. Join our community today to shape the future of decentralized finance with transparency, integrity, and inclusivity.