DAO Charter

Article 1: Name and Purpose

The name of this Foundation shall be K9 Foundation. The purpose of this association is to promote the culture, tradition and consumption of K9 in the Republic of Panama and allow members worldwide to come together in a safe environment. In doing so, members can further, promote, establish and work for the betterment of the K9 Ecosystem.

Article 2: Membership

Membership in K9 Foundation is limited to individuals who own K9 Tokens (KNINE). Only members who own K9 Tokens shall be entitled to vote on all matters concerning the Foundation. All votes shall occur on the blockchain. The number of tokens owned by each member shall determine the number of votes they are entitled to cast in any matter concerning the Foundation.

Individuals who do not own K9 Tokens shall have no rights or membership in the Foundation. The K9 Token shall be used as the sole means of payment for services rendered to the Foundation. Members who provide services to the association shall be compensated in K9 Tokens. The value of the K9 Token shall be determined by the prevailing market price at the time of payment.

Members who own K9 Tokens shall be required to adhere to the rules and regulations governing the use of the tokens. The rules and regulations shall be determined by the management team of the Foundation.

The K9 Token holders shall have the exclusive right to vote on all matters concerning the K9 Foundation. Any member who owns K9 Tokens may initiate a vote on any matter that is within the scope of the Foundation. All votes shall be conducted using blockchain technology to ensure transparency and accuracy.

Only those members who own K9 Tokens shall be entitled to vote on any matter. Each member shall be entitled to cast one vote for every K9 Token that they own. The number of votes required to pass a resolution shall be determined by the management team of the Foundation.

To ensure that any decision made by the association is valid and binding, there must be a quorum present for any vote to take place. The quorum shall be determined by the management team of the Foundation, and the necessary number of votes required to pass a resolution shall also be specified by the management team.

In summary, any member of the K9 Foundation who owns K9 Tokens shall have the right to initiate a vote, and all votes shall be conducted using blockchain technology. Only members who own K9 Tokens shall be entitled to vote, and each vote requires the necessary quorum and number of votes to pass.

Article 3: Management Team

The members of K9 Foundation shall appoint a management team consisting of a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson. The management team shall be responsible for the day-to-day management of the association, subject to the governance protocol of the association.

The K9 Foundation shall have a management team that shall be appointed by the members of the association. The management team shall be responsible for implementing the decisions of the members of the association and acting only with the will of the members.

The management team shall have the power to call any votes they need to pass resolutions, provided that they adhere to the rules and regulations governing the use of K9 Tokens. The day-to-day running of the Foundation shall be done at their own discretion, and they shall have the power to make any decisions that they deem necessary for the effective operation of the association.

The management team shall be responsible for ensuring that the association is run in a transparent, efficient and effective manner, and that the interests of the members are upheld at all times. They shall also be responsible for managing the finances of the association, and for ensuring that all financial transactions are conducted in a transparent and accountable manner.

In the event that any member of the management team is found to have acted in a manner that is not in the best interests of the association, the members of the association shall have the power to remove that member from the management team and appoint a new member to take their place.

In summary, the management team of the K9 Foundation shall be appointed by the members of the association, and shall have the power to implement the decisions of the members and act only with the will of the members. They may call any votes they need to pass resolutions, but the day-to-day running of the Foundation shall be done at their own discretion. They shall be responsible for managing the finances of the association, and for ensuring that the interests of the members are upheld at all times.

The management team shall have the power to represent the Foundation in any business or legal matter. However, they shall not have the power to make unilateral decisions that would bind the association without first seeking approval from the members of the association. Upon obtaining approval in any way, the Management Team may bind the Foundation.

The management team shall also be responsible for ensuring that the association's accounts are kept in good order, and that any financial transactions are conducted in accordance with the governance protocol of the association.

The K9 Foundation shall exist for a finite period of time, as determined by the members of the association. The duration of the association shall be specified in the governance protocol.

Article 4 Duration and Dissolution

The members of the K9 Foundation shall have the power to dissolve the association at any time. The decision to dissolve the association shall be made in accordance with the governance protocol, and shall require a vote by the members.

Upon the dissolution of the association, any remaining assets of the association shall be sent to any new organisation including one which maybe decentralised in nature.

Any member may call for the winding up of the Foundation. If any debts are due, the Association shall pay these before winding up. Wherein, if the Association fails to have enough funds to settle its debts, the Association members shall be liable for such debts.

Article 5: Governance Protocol

All decisions affecting the association shall be made in accordance with the governance protocol. The governance protocol shall detail the process for decision making, including voting procedures and the frequency of meetings.

The governance protocol shall also outline the process for amending the charter of the association.

Article 6: Treasury

The K9 Foundation shall establish a Treasury, which shall have control over the funds and the treasury of retained tokens. The Treasury shall be responsible for managing the financial assets of the Association, including any K9 Tokens and other funds held by the Association.

The Treasury Tokens may be used or sold to meet the financial needs of the Association, subject to the approval of the members of the Association. All Treasury Tokens and any funds held by the Treasury shall be managed by the management team, with an independent Treasury team responsible for the management of the funds.

The Treasury team shall be responsible for managing the financial assets of the Association in a transparent and accountable manner. They shall be required to provide regular reports to the members of the Association on the status of the Treasury, including any changes in the value of the K9 Tokens or any other funds held by the Association.

The Treasury team shall be appointed by the members of the Association, and shall serve for a specified term as determined by the governance protocol. The members of the Association shall have the power to remove the Treasury team at any time and appoint a new team to take their place.

Any and all payments can be made on behalf of the Association in any Cryptographic Asset the treasury holds, including but not limited to stable coin, legacy coins, or other tokens.

Article 7: Amendments to the Charter

This charter may be amended at any time by a vote of the members of the association. Any proposed amendments shall be distributed to members of the association at least two weeks prior to the vote.

However, these articles may also be amended by counsel in the need that such amendments are required to remain in compliance with laws and/or regulations or this Charter misses key components.

Article 8: Adoption of the Charter

This charter shall be adopted upon approval by the majority of the members of the K9 Foundation or bu unilateral decision of the Management Team who are responsible for the day to day running, to enable them to show capacity and authority to bind the Members.

Article 9: Laws

The Foundation shall be based in the Republic of Panama and subject to the laws of the Republic of Panama. Any correspondence should be sent to the Foundation via their counsel, information of which can be given upon request of any third party.