K9 Finance DAO Shibarium Bridge Guide

1. Visit the Official Shibarium Bridge

2. Confirm you are on the Ethereum Network and are using the wallet with a balance of KNINE tokens.

3. Confirm you have enough ETH in your wallet for 2-3 transactions.

4. Click Connect in the top right of your screen on the Shibarium Bridge website.

5. Confirm the connection pop-up in your wallet to complete the connection.

6. Click 'Deposit' on the right hand side of the screen.

7. Click 'Select Token' in the middle of the screen.

8. Select KNINE Token (K9 Finance DAO)

9. Type in the amount of KNINE you would like to bridge, or press MAX to bridge all of your KNINE tokens.

10. Click Transfer

11. Click Continue on the 'Please Note' screen

12. Click Approve on the 'Transfer Overview' screen

13. Confirm the transaction in your wallet for the spending cap request.

14. Make sure to approve the second step of the spending cap request in your wallet.

15. Wait for the spending cap approval transaction to complete.

16. Once completed, you will see the 'Confirm Transfer' screen... Click 'Deposit Funds'.

17. Confirm the transaction in your wallet.

18. Wait for the deposit transaction to complete.

19. Once the deposit is completed, you will get a notification at the bottom of your screen.

20. Wait for the deposit transaction to complete.

21. Click on Transactions on the left hand side of the Shibarium bridge website to see your bridge status.

22. Wait 10-20 minutes and check the 'Transaction' page again.

23. Once the bridge is complete you will see a white check instead of a spinning circle.

24. Congratulations, your KNINE is now bridged to Shibarium!

25. You can now switch to the Shibarium network in your wallet to view your KNINE balance

To double check if your bridge is completed you can also put your address in on Shibarium Scan.

If you have not added the $KNINE token address to your wallet, you will need to do this before being
able to see your KNINE tokens in your wallet. Please follow the steps specific to your wallet for importing
a new token address and import the KNINE token address.

The official contract address for $KNINE on both Ethereum and Shibarium can be found below.


How to Import New Token to MetaMask Wallet

  1. Open Your Metamask Wallet Extension

  2. Make sure you are on either the Shibarium or Ethereum network

  3. Scroll to the bottom of your tokens list

  4. Click 'Import tokens'

  5. Click 'Custom token'

  6. Paste in the official token address of whatever token you are trying to add.

For additional support, please refer to the Official Metamask website (linked)